This page contains links to the last 12 newsletters. Just click on the month to view/download that month's newsletter. Just a note of explanation: From January to the current month will be this year and the rest will be last year. For example, if this is May 2025, then January thru May will be 2025 newsletters and June thru December will be 2024 newsletters.
Click on a month to view the newsletter:
Rider Logs
We have three ways to log your mileage if you are interested in doing this. Most of our members ride over 1,000 miles per year and the average is probably in the 2,000-3,000 mile range. In 2018 the road captain logged 5,000 miles.
The first option is to log your workouts in Strava and this is really easy to do if you have a bike computer. Go to and create a free account. Then log in and join the Lorain County Bicycle Club ( After you upload your ride stats to your individual account your logs will also appear under the club account.
The second option is an Excel Workbook that has twelve pages, one for each month. It's dated for 2025 and has holidays, Wheelmen event rides, and a few other notes on it. As you log your monthly mileage it keeps track of the monthly and year to date (YTD) mileage. Each day has TWO cells, one for your mileage and one for a comment.
You type your name on the January sheet where it says "Your name goes here" and it's copied to all the month's sheets.
Click on the image to download this rider log.
The third option is a universal rider log based on an Excel Workbook. It has macros that zero out the current year and start a new one. You just clear the year and start over with the same sheet. Either RUN the two macros to refresh the year or download this one for 2025. In Exel you will have to set your macro security to "medium". Each time you open the workbook you will have to click "enable macros".
Click on the image to download this rider log.